A real “powerhouse”: Natural grapefruit bioflavonoids

The healthy properties of the grapefruit are widely known because of their Vitamin C content. On the other hand, the secondary plant compounds likewise contained in grapefruit, which are also called bioflavonoids, are relatively unknown. These bioactive secondary plant compounds are impossible to classify in one of the classic nutrient groups (such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins or minerals), but they have attracted increasing scientific interest recently.

In chemical terms, flavonoids are glycosides. These are relatively large vegetable molecules that occur mainly in those parts of plants that grow above ground. They are contained particularly in the seeds and peels of fruit and vegetables, in other words, in the parts which we mostly remove and thus do not get enough of in our everyday diet. Just like roughage, the positive properties of which also went unrecognized for a long time, flavonoids influence our well-being positively in many ways.

What makes these secondary plant compounds so especially healthy are their antioxidative properties, because antioxidants neutralize the aggressive oxygen molecules in the body, the so-called “free radicals”. So just as the grapefruit uses these secondary plant compounds for itself, human beings can also use them to keep healthy – with CitroBiotic®.